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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find below our frequently asked questions list.

Frequently asked questions about domain names

  • Which domain name types are available ?
    We offer a wide range of domain name types (Top Level Domains). The following TLD's are available through ID&A;
    com | net | org | info | biz | jobs | mobi | name | ac | ag | am | ar | at | be | bo | bz | ca | cc | ch | cn | cu | dk | ee | es | eu | gs | fm | gd | gr | gs | gy | hk | hu | im | in | io | it | jm | jp | la | li | lt | lu | lv | me | md | mn | ms | ni | nl | nu | nz | pl | pt | py | ro | ru | sc | se | sh | sg | tc | tk | tm | tt | tv | tw | us | uk | vi | vc | vg | ws

  • Can I register an all-numeric domain name ?
    Yes, most domainname types support all-numeric domain names. Ask support if you have a domain name type (TLD) in mind.

  • What extra services can I expect when I register a domain name ?
    After registrations you can choose to park the domain name on a default page, activate it by forwarding it to an existing hosting account or choose to activate it on a new hosting account. Once a domainname is activated services for email, website and FTP are available.

  • When does my registration period end and how to i renew it ?
    For most domain name types the registration period for domainnames is 1 year. Before the end of each year you will need to renew the registration. You can renew domain names by submitting the the request to your provider. Often you can choose to renew your registration for more then 1 year at a time.

  • The domainname i want is already registered by someone else. Can i obtain it ?
    For existing domain names you can place an buy offer to the current owner. If they are interested in selling then you may be able to trade the domain name to yourself and so gain the registration rights to use the domain name.

  • My domainname expired unexpectedly. How can i regain it ?
    Most domainname types have a Redemption period where you can re-activate a domainname. Depending on the type of domainname this can be anything from 1 to 65 days. You can regain the domainname by renewing it. Most providers keep you up to date when domainnames expire by e-mail notifications. Renew your domainname before its expiration date to avoid it going offline.


Frequently asked questions about hosting

  • What exactly is (mail/web) hosting ?
    Hosting is a service provided by a vendor which offers a physical location for the storage of web pages and files. A hosting package comes with various facilities including an certain amount of reserved diskspace and traffic to use.
    Diskspace is the size your website can be. HTML pages are usually very small, but it is the extra images, scripts, and even databases that can take up large amounts of disk space. Bandwidth/Transfer is the amount of data the server will allow your site to send in a month. Transfer is usually measured in gigabytes - billions of bytes. Once you go over your monthly reserved limit your account may be shut down. Upgrading to a larger package can then be required.

  • What services do i get with a hosting account ?
    Standard services like web, mail, FTP, PHP, CGI, statistics and backups are included in your hosting package. Additional options at I.R include databases, more critical backups, SSL certificates, webmail, IP addreses, custom erorr pages and much more.

  • Can i obtain domain names and use them on my existing hosting ?
    You can forward domain names to existing accounts with I.R or elsewhere if your other webhost supports it.

  • Do I have to change my domain name if I get a new host ?
    No, you can transfer your domain to another host at any time.

  • What do i do when my website or E-mail stop to function ?
    When any of your services fail to function you can submit a message to our helpdesk. We will then investigate the matter and apply a solution.

Frequently asked questions about development

  • When do i need custom software developed ?
    If your organization has repeating processes for sending electronic notifications, monitoring data or systems, processing manual calculations, gathering or submitting data from and to electronic resources. Automating such processes will relief your organization from pressure and costs whilst improving efficiency.

  • What kind of maintenance support is available ?
    We support our software products in full by offering regular maintenance, changes and upgrades. Support is available all year round using offline and online contact points. Using our phased approach for maintenance the impact to your organization is kept to a minimum.

  • What platforms are supported ?
    We support Linux platforms with the LAMP combination (Linux Apache MySQL PHP). This killer combination of computer and internet technology has proven itself time after time. As a well established development company we have over 15 years of experience with development on LAMP systems.

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